Frequently asked questions



Do I need to bring a mat?


Yes, please do bring your own mat and pillow / head cushion. (I will have a spare one if you forget your own, or if it is your first session), but since the outbreak of Covid-19 it is recommended you use your own mat. (See the resources section for Pilates equipment.) 


If you are coming to the private garden studio for a 1:1, you do not need to bring any equipment.


Why is it recommended to do an introductory session before commencing Pilates?


If you have not done any Pilates before the introductory session, it can be very helpful to familiarise yourself with the Pilates foundations and it’s also an opportunity to discuss any particular concerns or difficulties with me. The basics aren’t covered in every single class as, once you have been coming for a while, you wouldn’t want these repeated each week. By learning these principles you will get much more out of your sessions.


How often should I do Pilates?


At least once a week and ideally practising some of the exercises in-between sessions at home. My aim is for you to apply the Pilates fundamentals to your everyday life - be that stacking the dishwasher, lifting grandchildren or taking part in other sport activities.


What do I wear?


Comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Preferably not too baggy as I will need to see how your body is moving. No shoes are required, and socks are optional. 

Can I do drop-ins?


Yes, with a drop-in pass and if there is space in the class.  I recommend that you speak to me first.


I have done Pilates before. Do I still need to see you before I am put into a class?


If you have an injury or are pregnant, yes. I recommend that you get in touch with me via the contact page first to discuss.


Is Pilates suitable if I have an injury?


Yes, but please discuss with me first. As a Chartered Physiotherapist, I can discuss any problems and advise you on safe exercises for rehabilitation. In some cases, it may be necessary for me to speak to your Doctor.


What happens if I can’t make a session in my block?


If you know that you are unable to make a session in a block, please purchase the ‘drop-in pass,’ rather than the fixed pass. There is no refund for missed sessions. Lessons cannot be transferred to the next block of classes.


I haven’t exercised for ages: will I be able to do it?


Of course, Pilates is for everyone. Anyone of any age and fitness can benefit!


When will I notice a difference in my body from doing Pilates?


That depends on how often you do it. After one lesson, you will have developed an awareness of your body that you didn’t have before. “In 10 sessions you will feel the difference. In 20 you will see the difference. And in 30, you’ll be on your way to having a whole new body.”  Joseph Pilates.