·       Read the following COVID-19 screening and information:

‘The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or a high temperature and/or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). If you or anyone in your household, develops these symptoms, your whole household must remain at home and not go to work, school or public areas. You should arrange testing for the person who has developed symptoms.

·       Bring a Pilates mat and head cushion if required ( I will not be loaning these out as previously) 

·       Arrive only at the specified class time ( clients arriving early will be asked to wait outside )

·       Arrive wearing Pilates appropriate clothing and a minimum amount of personal belongings

·       Grip socks are advised if possible. No bare feet. 

·       Masks are required on entering the building ( you will be able to remove your mask during exercise )

·       Bring your own personal water bottle if you like ( no water can be provided )

·       All participants must ensure they are symptom free ( if anyone comes into contact with Covid-19 or develops symptoms they must follow self-isolation )


·       Put your mask on before entering the building.

·       Clean your hands using the alcohol gel from the station at the entrance.

·       Give contact details for track and trace / register at each class. Temperature will be checked with a hand-held infrared monitor.

·     Maintain a minimum distance of 2m with others.


·       There is a minimum of  2m distance between everyone in class.

·       Small props, if we are using, can be collected in the hall. (They will have been disinfected prior to use.)

·       You can remove your mask once you are ready to exercise.

·       I will maintain a 1m social distancing during class. 

·       I can’t give hands-on adjustments during class, but there will be lots of verbal instruction and feedback!


·       Put your mask on before leaving your mat and the class.

·       Clean any props used with the disinfectant spray provided.

·       Aim to leave the class promptly so that I can have time to complete the necessary disinfection between classes. ( I will always make myself available later after classes have finished if you would like to discuss something).



·       A 30 minute gap will be left between classes to ensure no client crossover.

·       All contact surfaces will be sanitised, cleaning with disinfectant spray or wipes.

·       Hands will be washed according to the NHS guidelines before and after each class.

·       Where possible, doors will be left open to increase ventilation.


·       Toilets will be available for those that need them.

·       Hand sanitise your hands with alcohol gel located at the station outside the toilet area before touching any surfaces or door handles.

·       Use the cleaning wipes provided to disinfect all surfaces inside the toilet room before and after use; please use the bins to dispose of wipes.

·       Thoroughly wash your hands following the instructions provided.

·       Toilets will be checked and cleaned regularly. ( A cleaning record sheet will be on display )